New Baby Cards - Sweet Series
New Baby Cards - Sweet Series
New Baby Cards - Sweet Series
Same day dispatch if ordered by 1PM or the next working day afterwards |
Free UK delivery with Royal Mail Tracked24 service (fully tracked, and aims to deliver next working day) |
Secure payment options including PayPal and cards | |
Closed card dimensions: 15cm x 10.5cm |
Fully recyclable (paper, saitn ribbon, lace cloth) | |
Card envelope included (pastel blue or pink) |
Closed card size in mm: 105x150
Coming with pastel pink or blue envelope, depending on the style selected.
Each style has its own inscription in front of the card, but it's blank inside for your own message.
Inscription on each greeting card per style:
1. Blue - Socks:
"Hello Boy"
2. Blue - Rocking Horse:
"BABY Boy"
3. Blue - Baby Romper:
4. Blue - Rattle:
"BABY Boy"
5. Blue - Star:
"It's a boy!"
6. Blue - Toy Giraffe:
"Sweet Baby It's a boy!"
7. Pink - Dress:
"HELLO Girl"
8. Pink - Pram:
"BABY Girl"
9. Pink - Toy Elephant:
"Sweet Baby It's a girl!"
10. Pink - Rattle:
"BABY Girl"
11. Pink - Heart:
"It's a girl!"
12. Pink - Milk Bottle:
"HELLO Girl"